Top Tips for Driving Safely in the City for Beginners

 You have finished taking your driving lessons, aced the driving test, earned a license and now are all set to make your actual debut on the streets of Sydney. Nervous, right? But as you are marching to the front, all prepared,  you don’t really have to worry. Just follow the rules and what awaits you is a safe ride through the streets of Sydney. All that being said, being a bit nervous is only natural but to dispel this nervousness we have brought a few tips from the Best Driving School in Sydney to help you drive safely. So, go through them and secure for yourself a safe and comfortable journey.

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1.    Try to avoid peak-hour traffic, if possible.

Peak hours are the worst nightmare for any driver in the streets of Sydney. With congested roads, and having to pull the break every other minute, your patience will definitely be tested. So, if you can, avoid driving during peak hours. On a normal weekday, the rush hour in Sydney is around 8:30 in the morning and 5:30 in the evening as during this time people are commuting to and fro from their work. As experienced driving instructors in Sydney, we know that avoiding this rush would be a privilege that many wouldn’t have but still try avoiding it if you are a beginner.

2.    Always keep your guards up.

On the roads, you can never be safe enough. Even if you are following all the traffic rules there might be someone around you, breaking them at every go. So, always keep your guards up for such people to avoid any mishappenings, especially at intersections that are the most prone to accidents. While driving you should always be prepared to react. Also, when the traffic lights turn green, take a moment to look around before you start driving as a pedestrian might be still crossing the road. In the worst-case scenario, a vehicle could be driving by, breaking the traffic rules. So, being the Best Driving Institute in Sydney dedicated to ensuring your safety on roads, we recommend you to take precautions against such drivers.

3.    By heart all the traffic signs.

To begin with, you would have been tested on traffic signs during your driving test but they are not to be forgotten once you are done with the tests. When it comes to crashes and other accidents, most of them could be avoided if all the drivers keep an eye on traffic signs and follow them properly. You should never cross a red light, slow down as recommended during a U-turn. Basically, you should follow all the traffic signs including regulatory, warning, and guide signs. As the best driving school in Sydney, we understand the importance of traffic signs and make sure everyone enrolling with us knows them by heart.

4.    Keep an eye out for public transports.

SInce 2018, as per the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities, and Regional Development, road accidents involving buses have decreased by 25.9 percent. But public transportation like taxis when driven by part-time drivers are 5.5 times more likely to engage in road accidents. Also, as these drivers ride vehicles for more than 8 hours a day, it significantly reduces their response time. So, any experienced driving instructor in Sydney would recommend that as a person new to driving it’s better to keep a safe distance from public transportation or any other vehicle for that matter to be on the safer side.

5.    When driving, side and rearview mirrors are your best friends.

When driving, your focus should not just be on what’s happening in front of your vehicle but also on what’s happening on your sides and back. While overtaking or making an immediate stop, make sure you check your side and rearview mirror for any approaching vehicles to avoid accidents. As an amateur driver, keeping a constant check on your mirrors might still not be a habit for you but make sure that you slowly incorporate it into your driving style for your own safety and the ones around you. 

So, these are the 5 expert tips from the best driving school in Sydney for driving safely in the city. In case, you are still learning to drive or are someone wanting to learn, contact us at Galaxy Driving, and our team of experienced driving instructors in Sydney would help you become a pro at driving. 


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